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SA Security Monitoring (SAMS®) prides itself on offering a comprehensive range of quality products and services for specialised bureau monitoring.

Our state-of-the-art Grade A1 Monitoring Centre is fully equipped to meet the specific requirements of your business and your clients.

We tailor our services and operations to meet your particular needs, including monitoring clients from anywhere in Australia – with protocols that go above and beyond current Australian Security Monitoring Standards.

Our accounts department can act on your behalf to invoice, follow up and collect payments for alarm monitoring – allowing you to focus your efforts on customer service and continuing to build your client database.


You can purchase various products and equipment direct from us, such as Direct Wireless units, Videofied Security Systems, NVR’s and much more.

As part of our bureau services, you’ll be given access to our online SIMS Web and SIMS Pocket portals – allowing you to check client records and event history for each specific site, place clients on test and access account information from your web browser or smart phone.

We have a large in-house service department that can fulfil bureau clients’ service requests, should the installer be temporarily unavailable or on holidays – and each service staff member and technician has over 20 years’ experience in the security industry, so they can also assist with your technical enquiries if needed.

At SA Security Monitoring (SAMS®), we can supply and monitor your clients through the following communication paths:

  • Digital Dialler Monitoring (PSTN):
  • Direct Wireless and & GPRS Monitoring:
  • SCSI DirectWireless GPRS modules:
  • MultiPath Innerrange T4000 GPRS Modules:
  • Permaconn GPRS Modules:
  • Mobotix & IP Cameras:
  • Videofied Monitoring:

SAMS® free no obligation pricing