Access Control systems involve issuing access credentials such as proximity cards, fobs, or remotes.
Every person who is authorised to enter the premises will use the device issued to gain access.
Access Control is the building management system that tracks who goes where and when and/or controls access to certain areas. There are many systems to choose from and some are tailored a specific industry or type of facility.
SA Security Monitoring (SAMS®) Access Control systems include, proximity card readers and electronic locking devices which are installed on all restricted access areas.
The Access Control system is then programmed to define the entrances, times and rules of entry for each credential holder. This information is then distributed to the various door, elevator and control panels to enable access to be granted to valid credential holders on presentation of their e.g. cards.
Our system can control almost all access points including electric doors, roller doors, electric gates, and boom gates – and can even be controlled remotely via the internet or from your own internal network.